The Ultimate Guide To Packing Artwork For Shipping

Whether you are an artist shipping your own work or a collector sending a valuable piece to another location, proper packing is essential to ensure that the artwork arrives safely and undamaged. Artwork is often fragile and delicate, making it vulnerable to damage during transit. In this guide, we will provide you with the best practices for packing artwork for shipping to help you protect your precious pieces.

First and foremost, it is crucial to gather all the necessary materials before you start packing. You will need acid-free tissue paper, bubble wrap, packing tape, cardboard boxes, corner protectors, and foam boards. It is essential to use high-quality materials to provide the best protection for the artwork during transit.

The first step in packing artwork for shipping is to wrap the piece in acid-free tissue paper. This will protect the surface of the artwork from scratches and scuffs. Make sure to wrap the piece carefully, ensuring that all corners and edges are covered. For extra protection, you can also use glassine paper or plastic wrap to cover the artwork before wrapping it in tissue paper.

Once the artwork is wrapped in tissue paper, the next step is to protect it with bubble wrap. Gently wrap the piece in multiple layers of bubble wrap, making sure to secure it with packing tape. Pay special attention to the corners and edges of the artwork, as these are the most vulnerable areas during transit. You can also use corner protectors to provide additional support and protection for the corners of the artwork.

After the artwork is securely wrapped in bubble wrap, the next step is to create a custom-sized box for shipping. It is essential to choose a box that is slightly larger than the artwork to allow for additional padding. Place the wrapped artwork in the box and fill any empty spaces with foam boards or packing peanuts to prevent the piece from shifting during transit.

Once the artwork is securely packed in the box, the final step is to seal the box with packing tape. Make sure to reinforce the seams of the box with additional tape to prevent any accidental openings during transit. You can also add fragile stickers or labels to indicate that the package contains delicate artwork and should be handled with care.

If you are shipping valuable or irreplaceable artwork, it is highly recommended to purchase shipping insurance. This will provide you with peace of mind knowing that you will be compensated in case the artwork is lost or damaged during transit. Make sure to declare the accurate value of the artwork when purchasing insurance to ensure that you are adequately covered.

When choosing a shipping carrier, it is essential to consider their experience in handling delicate artwork. Some carriers offer specialized art shipping services that provide extra protection and security for valuable pieces. Do your research and read reviews to find a reliable carrier that will handle your artwork with care.

In conclusion, packing artwork for shipping requires attention to detail and a careful approach to ensure that the pieces arrive at their destination safely. By following the steps outlined in this guide and using high-quality materials, you can protect your precious artwork and prevent any damage during transit. Remember to purchase shipping insurance and choose a reliable carrier to provide you with peace of mind throughout the shipping process.